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py-pyobjc-framework-MetalPerformanceShadersGraph Wrappers for the framework MetalPerformanceShadersGraph on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-MetricKit Wrappers for the framework MetricKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-MLCompute Wrappers for the framework MLCompute on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ModelIO Wrappers for the framework ModelIO on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-MultipeerConnectivity Wrappers for the framework MultipeerConnectivity on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-NaturalLanguage Wrappers for the framework NaturalLanguage on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-NetFS Wrappers for the framework NetFS on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Network Wrappers for the framework Network on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-NetworkExtension Wrappers for the framework NetworkExtension on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-NotificationCenter Wrappers for the framework NotificationCenter on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-OpenDirectory Wrappers for the framework OpenDirectory on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-OSAKit Wrappers for the framework OSAKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-OSLog Wrappers for the framework OSLog on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PassKit Wrappers for the framework PassKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PencilKit Wrappers for the framework PencilKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PHASE Wrappers for the framework PHASE on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Photos Wrappers for the framework Photos on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PhotosUI Wrappers for the framework PhotosUI on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PreferencePanes Wrappers for the framework PreferencePanes on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PubSub Wrappers for the framework PubSub on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-PushKit Wrappers for the framework PushKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Quartz Wrappers for the framework Quartz on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-QuickLookThumbnailing Wrappers for the framework QuickLookThumbnailing on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ReplayKit Wrappers for the framework ReplayKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SafariServices Wrappers for the framework SafariServices on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SafetyKit Wrappers for the framework SafetyKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SceneKit Wrappers for the framework SceneKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ScreenCaptureKit Wrappers for the framework ScreenCaptureKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ScreenSaver Wrappers for the framework ScreenSaver on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ScreenTime Wrappers for the framework ScreenTime on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ScriptingBridge Wrappers for the framework ScriptingBridge on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SearchKit Wrappers for the framework SearchKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Security Wrappers for the framework Security on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SecurityFoundation Wrappers for the framework SecurityFoundation on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SecurityInterface Wrappers for the framework SecurityInterface on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ServiceManagement Wrappers for the framework ServiceManagement on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SharedWithYou Wrappers for the framework SharedWithYou on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SharedWithYouCore Wrappers for the framework SharedWithYouCore on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ShazamKit Wrappers for the framework ShazamKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Social Wrappers for the framework Social on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SoundAnalysis Wrappers for the framework SoundAnalysis on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Speech Wrappers for the framework Speech on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SpriteKit Wrappers for the framework SpriteKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-StoreKit Wrappers for the framework StoreKit on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SyncServices Wrappers for the framework SyncServices on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SystemConfiguration Wrappers for the framework SystemConfiguration on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-SystemExtensions Wrappers for the framework SystemExtensions on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-ThreadNetwork Wrappers for the framework ThreadNetwork on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-UniformTypeIdentifiers Wrappers for the framework UniformTypeIdentifiers on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-UserNotifications Wrappers for the framework UserNotifications on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-UserNotificationsUI Wrappers for the framework UserNotificationsUI on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-VideoSubscriberAccount Wrappers for the framework VideoSubscriberAccount on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-VideoToolbox Wrappers for the framework VideoToolbox on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Virtualization Wrappers for the framework Virtualization on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-Vision Wrappers for the framework Vision on macOS
py-pyobjc-framework-WebKit Wrappers for the framework WebKit on macOS
py-pyparsing Parsing module for Python
py-pyparsing2 Parsing module for Python (Python 2.x)
py-pypi-cli Command-line interface to the Python Package Index
py-pyproject_hooks Wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks
py-Pyro Distributed Object Technology system in Python
py-pyrsistent Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures
py-pysha3 SHA-3 wrapper (keccak) for Python
py-pyspark (V) Apache Spark Python API
py-pysvn Python interface to Subversion
py-pyte VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator library
py-pytemplate Pytemplate gives python developpers a starting framework
py-pytest-lazy-fixture (V) It helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize
py-pytkgen (V) Create Tkinter GUIs from JSON definition files
py-pytype Static type analyzer for Python code
py-pyutil Collection of mature utilities for Python programmers
py-pyvcd Package to write Value Change Dump (VCD) files
py-pyvex Python bindings for Valgrind's VEX IR
py-qt-thread-updater (V) Python Qt thread updater to update GUI items using a separate thread
py-queuelib Collection of persistent (disk-based) queues
py-radon Code Metrics in Python
py-random2 Python 3 compatible port of Python 2 random module
py-ratelim (V) Makes it easy to respect rate limits
py-rauth Python library for OAuth 1.0/a, 2.0, and Ofly consumers
py-rb (V) The redis blaster
py-rcsparse (V) RCS parsing library for Python
py-re-assert Show where your regex match assertion failed
py-reactive-papi (V) Reactive Platform flatbuffer api
py-readlike GNU Readline-like line editing module
py-recaptcha (V) Plugin for reCAPTCHA and reCAPTCHA Mailhide
py-recordclass (V) Mutable variant of namedtuple
py-redbaron (V) FST for python to make writing refactoring code a realistic task
py-rednose Coloured output for nosetests
py-registry (V) Read access to Windows Registry files
py-regress (V) Python bindings to the Rust regress crate
py-releases (V) Sphinx extension for changelog manipulation
py-reparser Simple regex-based lexer/parser for inline markup
py-report (V) Pyreport makes notes out of a python script
py-repoze.lru Tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
py-reproducible (V) Reproducible library
py-requests HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings
py-requests-cache (V) Persistent cache for requests library
py-requests-file Transport adapter for file:// URLs with the requests python lib
py-requests-futures Asynchronous Python HTTP for Humans
py-requests-mock Mock out responses from the requests package